
Showing posts from December, 2017

Halloween Characters Lesson

On Halloween I decided that it would be fun to work on the dance standard "Express an idea, feeling, or image while improvising a dance that has a beginning, middle, and end." My lesson began by allowing each student to "tell me" what they were for Halloween this year, but they weren't allowed to use words! They had to tell me what or who they were dressed up as, with their movements. This was a good introduction to having them express an idea with their movements. I then projected on the board an image of a Halloween mummy. As a class we made a dance that was about mummies. We thought of one shape that looked like a mummy shape that we could use as a beginning shape, then we danced like how a mummy would dance, and then we chose a different mummy shape for the end of the dance. We did it again but this time we used a spider as the stimuli for our Halloween character dance. Now that I had felt like the class had understood how to present a dance that e